The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that teachers are ready to transform education; to transform learners by equipping them with foundational skills, stimulating their curiosity and ability to continue learning throughout their lives, and instilling a sense of belonging and

responsibility for one another and for the planet. However, education systems do not seem to be equally ready to support teachers to fully deploy their talent, leverage their knowledge and make use of their pedagogical judgement to transform education.

In shaping the future, and in the transformation of education, teachers and educators play a central role, as witnessed at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers and education personnel played a key role in the response to the crisis and educational disruptions. They

reinvented their role in order to face changing and emerging demands. Most of them had to re-organize and adapt teaching and learning processes, in particular related to online and remote education, and to take part in activities to safeguard the material safety of learners and their families, providing socio-emotional and psychological support to students and their families.

In 2022, World Teachers Day will celebrate teachers’ instrumental role in transforming education and will advocate for bold strategic actions by policymakers, teachers themselves and civil society. As the Transforming Education Summit has affirmed, teachers and education personnel should be supported and empowered to innovate and transform teaching from within. Every country should now strive to have an empowered education workforce that is professionalized, trained, motivated, and supported.

This entails an adequate number of qualified teachers with access to quality initial education and continuous professional development throughout their careers, improved status and working conditions, and the acknowledgment and enhancement of their, autonomy, agency,

leadership, and capacity for innovation.

In keeping with the global agenda on the Decade of Action, our organization has enacted action on initiative that could help teachers explore their global potentials in contributing to transforming education agenda. As we plug in to the 2022 World Teachers Day, we are

encountered with key issues with respect to teachers on quality and inclusive education for lifelong learning agenda including;

  1. The world lacks enough qualified teachers
  2. Many teachers do not have access to quality training and continuous professional

development throughout their careers

iii. The working conditions of many teachers are not adequate and undermine the attractiveness of the professioniv. Teacher leadership and innovation should be encouraged and better harnessed in

the transformation of education

  1. support that teachers need to fully contribute to educational transformations and will advocate for bolder actions by all stakeholders

In furtherance of this, our organization in collaboration with United Federation of Teachers

New York will hold an information summit on “Igniting Teachers: Imperative for Transforming Education” to join the global community in marking the 2022 World Teachers Day.

The summit will

  1. Inform teachers on the United Nations Transforming Education Summit outcome
  2. Inform teachers about the message of the United Nations Secretary General on

World teachers Day

iii. Provide education and training on the theme of the summit Igniting Teachers:

Imperative for Transforming Education”

  1. Participation Thinking: Transforming Education Basket

The outcome from the summit will further its objective in developing curriculum for one-year

professional development and training for teachers along the mission of UFT and the New York City Board of Education.


 Opening Remarks and introduction

 Message of the UN Secretary General to World Teachers on 2022 World Teachers


 Speech by Chancellor, NYC Board of Education to declare the Summit open

 Speech by Special Guest on “The Transformation of Education Begins with


 Education and Training: Igniting Teachers: Imperative for Transforming Education

 Participation Thinking: Transforming Education Basket

 Questions, Comments and Contribution

 Presentation and Closing Remarks

 Dinner

 Networking and Departure




Center for SDG Global Education USA (Education Solutions Initiative) is a 501C organization with commitment on Education Solutions on SDG-4 and Targets at the United Nations. Its mission is to provide education and training on the global agenda for educators,create shared interests, and provide education concerning inclusive education, lifelong learning, students, youth, and children. The organization carry out research and publication on education issues and strategies to improve equality and inclusive education for lifelong


The Center for SDG Global Education USA is inspired by the global agenda that a highly valued education is best needed to achieve quality education and improve a sustainable learning outcome. The Center for SDG Global Education USA brings a willingness to

embrace effective education initiatives that can help identify best practices and find ways to promote life-changing skills, growth, development experiences, and educational exchange programs.



The United Federation of Teachers New York is committed to strengthening our communities, our profession and the lives of our members and our students. As a member-driven organization

predominantly made up of education and healthcare professionals, the UFT negotiates and advocates vigorously for fair and competitive salaries, enhanced professionalism, and improved

working conditions. Our union actively supports policies, legislation and programs that promote attaining educational equity, closing the persistent and unacceptable achievement gap and assuring parent and community voice in school governance. We believe in raising academic standards and strengthening instruction; reducing class size and overcrowding; creating safer, more orderly schools; improving school facilities; and increasing parent involvement in schools.

2022 World Teachers Day Summit
PowerPoint – 5.5 MB 532 downloads