The most unanimously adopted Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the utmost progressive blueprint ever for advancing the rights of not only women but girls were the first to specifically call out girls’ rights. Since the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the Day of the Girl Child, efforts have been globally made to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address these challenges and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.
With global adjustments to the New Normal on COVID-19 Recovery, concerns on the girl child have remained inclusive and the future of our Generation on the Girl Child is tagged most priority on the concern in keeping pace with the realities girls face today.
With the launching of Generation Equality Forum on a five-year commitments for bolder solutions to gender inequality in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating digital platforms for learning, earning and connecting, greater percentage of the population of the girl child are not aware of the digital education or knowledgeable about the internet access. The gender gap for global internet users grew from 11 per cent in 2013 to 17 per cent in 2019. In the world’s least developed countries, it hovers around 43 per cent.
Girls are less likely than boys to use digital device and be able to gain access to digital related jobs denying them of the gender digital divide and knowledge about global connectivity.
YOUTHGETHER Global is joining the global community on October 9 and October 11 to discuss on the theme “Our Girls, Our Generation and Our Goals in Post COVID19 Recovery to highlight the need for digital education and the future of the girl child especially in developing countries. The discussion will impinge on education, health, overall well-being on the girl child and flag a YOUTHGETEHR Global campaign on DIGITGIRL Child among girls and YOUTHGETHER Global members to bring technology and ICT education to every girl as well as inaugurate 4 new chapters of YOUTHGETHER Global.
The Two-day event will integrate the project of YOUTHGETHER Global on DIGITGIRL Child into the objective of the Generation Equality Forum, the International Day of the Girl in ensuring the spread of digital education for girls across communities and the first Anniversary of YOUTHGETHER Global.
- Day of the Girl Child and 1stAnniversary of YOUTHGETEHR Global
- Special Guest Presentation:Digital generation. Our generation
- Keynote Presentation: Our Girls, Our Generation and Our Goals in Post COVID19 Recovery
- Conversation on Girl Child and the Decade of Action with Winfred Doherty, Working Group on Girls at the UN
- Flagging-off the Campaign “DIGITGIRL Child”
- Ist Anniversary journey of YOUTHGETHER Global
- Panel Conversation: Discussion by YOUTHGETHER Global Chapter leaders
- Advisory Statement: YOUTHGETHER Global Advisors
- A Call to Action- YOUTHGETHER GlobalNext Generation Strategy
The outcome of the event is to continue on the mission of YOUTHGETHER Global in engaging youth for the Decade of Action with an agenda for the girl child across communities on Digital education.
The outcome will further work to engage today's girls, boys, and youth across the world to stand on the cusp of leading the future we want with ample opportunity and platform for engagement into Decade of Global Action and advancement to benefit the future of all youth, girls, and boys. The outcome will also take the campaign on “DIGITGIRL Child” to communities to engage girls on a new digital generation movement for sustainable future.
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